Riviera 2HSL-WB Overnighter

This two-horse straight load camper has been cleverly designed to incorporate a dividing wall between the living and horses. Inside living includes a top bunk over a kitchen bench with ample cupboard space and a caravan door.  One cupboard can incorporate a fridge if needed. Complete with 12V power and battery including control switch .It also has a 60L under body water tank with a pump and a tap on the A frame. This model also has a large tack box accessible from outside incorporating two saddle racks and can have a shelf added. In addition, in the horse area is a recessed cowboy shower. Optional extras are available at an additional cost ,for example an awning , sink and solar panel plus a range of other items.

This float also features our standard Rocker Roller suspension with electric breaks and Breakaway unit. Fully padded in horse area with slam shut bum bars and removeable head dividers with three height chest bar.